Schools and Education
Each of the towns in Buenos Aires has a public elementary school, which is for children ages 6-12. These include Escuela Santa Cruz, Escuela Las Lomas, Escuela Veracruz, and Escuela San Martin, among others.
In addition, there’s a private school, Escuela Holanda, which also accepts children ages 6-12. This school offers more extracurricular activities and has slightly better facilities than the public schools, but the public schools in the area are also highly regarded. This is probably due to the fact that many teachers volunteer to be placed in this district, so only the very best are chosen.
The high school in Buenos Aires is public. It’s called Colegio Tecnico Profesional de Buenos Aires. They offer an array of courses of study, to prepare students for college or work. These include technology, sustainable agriculture, business administration, professional English, and woodworking. 50% of the students graduate and go on to college, while the others begin working in a trade they are well prepared for.
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