Location and Climate
Both Santa Elena and Monteverde have a cool climate. Like the rest of Costa Rica, the seasons can generally be divided into two: dry and rainy. While the dry season begins in December in the Central Valley, you can still expect some drizzle and misty rains until February. Heavier rains, especially in the form of afternoon showers, are frequent from the months of June to November. During the warmer months of February to May, temperatures range from the low sixties to mid-seventies.
The incredible views are what make Monteverde and Santa Elena so outstanding. Both Monteverde and Santa Elena have cloud forest reserves. These forests feature constant cloud cover and misty precipitation, creating a lush, dense array of flora and fauna. While no beaches or ocean views make up the area, the sights of immense natural beauty are enough to convert any beach bum into a mountain fan.
Getting There and the Surrounding Area
Santa Elena and Monteverde are located in the province of Puntarenas. At around 100 miles from the capital, San Jose, the towns are best reached by the Pan American Highway in a 4x4 vehicle. Residents of Santa Elena and Monteverde refused to have the main road leading into town paved in order to protect the area’s environment. In February of 2013, the Tico Times reported the Public Works and Transport’s plan to pave the approximately 11-mile road completely. This project will make the area much more accessible and safer especially during the rainy season.
Jaco and its beaches are located around 72 miles from Monteverde, right along the Pacific Coast. Many travelers continue to make their way to Manuel Antonio, one of the most popular beaches in Costa Rica, from Jaco for an extended holiday.
Playa Samara is another beach relatively close to Monteverde and Santa Elena. This small and relaxed beach can be reached in around 3 to 4 hours driving time. Samara offers a warm weather and a quiet community for an easy weekend getaway. Beachfront hotels and restaurants make Samara the perfect place for relaxation and a little luxury.
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