Schools, Hospitals, and Services
The majority of dentist offices, physical therapists, and medical clinics can be found in Santa Elena. While neither Monteverde nor Santa Elena has a major hospital, there is a Red Cross and 24-hour emergency clinic available. These services make it easy to relocate or retire to Costa Rica with peace of mind.
Clinic Monteverde: Located in Santa Elena, this clinic is open 24 hours on Saturday and Sunday. The clinic remains open for emergencies. Monday to Friday until 8 pm. 2645-5076
Emergency Monteverde: This emergency clinic is open every day, 24 hours a day and located in Cerro Plano. 2645-7778
Red Cross Monteverde: Despite its name, this 24 hour emergency care center is located in Santa Elena. Closed Sundays. 2645-6128
Monteverde and Santa Elena make excellent relocation spots for families with school age children, educators and volunteers. Both public and private schools are offered in the area.
Several public schools offer education for grades pre-school to high school through the Ministry of Public Education. Public schools can be found in Santa Elena and Cerro Plano. Most students attend the Colegio San Rafael or Colegio Técnico Professional for high school education.
The Monteverde Friends School was found in 1951 by Quaker settlers. This bi-lingual school offers both the Ministry of Public Education’s diploma and a college-preparatory diploma. The curriculum focuses on the Montessori method, conflict resolution, and multi-grade classes.
The Cloud Forest School is found in the heart of Monteverde. This private school features both bi-lingual classes and an environmental education focus. The campus was once owned by the Nature Conservancy and spans 42 hectares. The secondary school completes with eleventh grade.
The Seventh Day Adventist School was founded in 1991 as a private, bi-lingual school. This school is recognized by the Ministry of Public Education.
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